“I don’t have the most impressive race history mainly because I have spent the last 12 years or so playing soccer. Through that time I continued to bike occasionally, but it is only within the last six months that I have started running seriously. Yet despite my lack of results, I am quite confident that I have the ability to be an above average triathlete. I am an extremely competitive and determined individual. I might never be an elite triathlete, but I will be competitive in my age division.”
I followed this up with a list of 23 events that I was planning on doing in 2002. I think I actually ended up doing about 18 of the actual events I listed. I didn’t end up doing the Ultramax Iron distance race which is a good thing, I probably would have quit that year if I had!
It’s fun to find these kinds of things and look back at them, see where you were and where you’ve come since then. That’s why I recommend keeping a workout log and always writing a complete race report following all races.