I decided to recruit some other runners at the weekly “Wednesday Trak Nite” workout to run a fast 400 meters for time. After warming up with some striders and a couple of easy miles, four of us lined up for the 400. Two of the runners, Eric and Kevin Stone had both mentioned running in the mid 50’s in high school for the 400, I on the other hand had a 1:05 for my PR at a trak nite a year or two ago. Ted Zderic counted us down and we were off. I set the initial pace and led through the first 200, recording a 29 at 200. Around the 250 mark Kevin Stone pulled even with me and began to pull ahead. I attempted to stay on his shoulder but midway through the final curve my legs began locking up and he pulled ahead finishing at 60″ exactly. I crossed the line with a 62, shaving a full 3 seconds off my previous best time!
While a 62 second 400 meter time is pedestrian for most male sprinters, considering that I’ve never been a sprinter and have never run in a true 400 meter race, I’m very satisfied with my time. However, I do plan on breaking that minute barrier! Add that to the list:
– Sub 3 hour marathon
– Sub 1:20:00 half marathon
– Sub 1:00:00 10 miles
– Sub 35:00 10k
– Sub 17:00 5k
– Sub 1:00 100yard swim
– Sub :30 50 yard swim
– Sub 2:00:00 Olympic distance triathlon
– Sub 4:30:00 Half Iron
– Sub 10:00:00 Ironman
– Sub 1:00 400 meters
STtrainer wrote:
Adam Beston wrote:
Tony Rigdon wrote:
Tony Rigdon wrote:
– Sub 3 hour marathon
– Sub 1:20:00 half marathon
– Sub 1:00:00 10 miles
– Sub 35:00 10k
– Sub 17:00 5k
– Sub 1:00 100yard swim
– Sub :30 50 yard swim
– Sub 2:00:00 Olympic distance triathlon
– Sub 4:30:00 Half Iron
– Sub 10:00:00 Ironman
– Sub 1:00 400 meters
– Sub 5:00 1 mile
– Sub 15 hour 50 mile
– Sub 36 hour 100 mile